Squarespace is an excellent, user-friendly platform for photographers and visually creative businesses. Working with media and imagery is extremely easy in Squarespace, due to multiple image blocks options, gallery blocks, and summary blocks - these features allowed us to create beautiful designs in Squarespace, as well. However, there are other options to consider. In today’s article, we will review one of these tools - Narrative Publish, an intuitive and easy solution for photography blogposts.

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No matter how much you already know on the topic of racism and inclusiveness, there is always space for more. Luckily, there are tons of resources, books, podcasts, videos, webinars, and information created by educators and anti-racism experts. Keep reading for 10+ anti-racism resources for photographers.

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Our dear clients, Saori & Devante shared a video earlier this week, dedicated to the whole Wedding Photography and Events community. It got our team thinking of what actions and steps we can take, to help the Black creative community in the long run. Inclusion and equality isn’t something that happens overnight, or even in a week. The changes we make need to be embedded in our personal and business choices.

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Your website is your best conversion tool. Although most of your first-time visitors are not ready to book you right away, you can still connect with them, build their trust, and turn them into customers. That’s where an effective email marketing strategy comes in handy. In this article, we’ll explain how to grow your client email list and we’ll share 15+ ideas of freebies you can give away to strangers that might as well become your clients very soon.

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It’s no news that social distancing has pushed many entrepreneurs to become more flexible, pivot their business strategies, and find ways to adapt. Those who work in the events industry, from wedding photographers and videographers to planners, florists, stylists, etc - keep asking themselves “How do I earn money now and find new cashflows?” Well, since the restrictions on social gatherings aren’t going away any time soon, we’ve prepared 10+ ideas on ways you can diversify your revenue streams and keep them dollars coming - midst Covid-19 and not only.

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Spring is a wonderful season that brings sunny weather, fresh starts and renewed hope that so many of us need right now. If you decided to take this time of the year to clean your house, your closet or your garage, it might be worth taking a look at your website, as well. In today’s article, we will go over 6 ways to declutter your Squarespace site, give it a good spring clean and improve its look, speed and user-experience. 

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Many of you are fully focused on your business these days, analyzing, enhancing, restructuring, rebranding, as well as looking into your financial situation, and perhaps cutting back on some subscriptions and costs that no longer seem relevant (like we advise in the 20+ business survival tips during quarantine article). With this in mind, we decided to compile a list of recommended tools and software for photographers, which offer free trials, have a free version or a massive discount at sign up. 

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We’ve gathered a list of ideas, tips and resources to help your business survive and adapt during this quarantine season. It covers everything from how to handle your finances and work on your website to learning resources and how to relax and unwind, even if it seems quite impossible. Hoping that this guide will give you more confidence until you walk out of this, know that we have your back and are rooting for you. You’ve got this!

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