Fonts play a big role in the way your website looks and feels. Your Design Kit (or Pricing kit) comes with a set of fonts carefully chosen to work well together and match the overall vibe of the design. Yet, if you are looking to adapt the kit to match your brand colors and fonts and want to replace them with your own, we prepared a guide to help you with the process.

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Whether you’ve already decided to switch from WordPress to Squarespace, or are still looking into the pros and cons of both, changing site platforms is an important decision that takes a lot of research. This article will cover everything you need to know about moving to Squarespace, wrapped up in 9 steps. You’ll get tips about how to start with a Squarespace template, how to migrate your content from WordPress, and how to ensure minimal changes to your SEO rankings.

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So, you want to start a podcast. Great! A podcast is a wonderful way for photographers and creative entrepreneurs to expand into education, build an online community, and talk with interesting people about topics they’re passionate about. If this is something you’ve been considering doing, in this article we’ll walk you through the basics of how to start a podcast. What you need to know before you start recording, what are your must-have tools, how to promote your podcast, and even how to maintain it and stay committed. Let’s dig in!

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Tanto si ya te has decidido a cambiar de WordPress a Squarespace como si todavía estás analizando los pros y los contras de ambos, cambiar de plataforma es una decisión importante que requiere mucha investigación. Este artículo cubrirá todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el cambio a Squarespace resumido en 9 pasos. Recibirás consejos sobre cómo empezar con una plantilla de Squarespace, cómo migrar tu contenido desde WordPress y cómo asegurar cambios mínimos en tu posicionamiento SEO.

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In the 21st century, there is an app for almost any purpose. Need to keep you physical and mental shape on point, stay in touch with friends across the world, optimize your workflows, or just make your life easier? You got it! In today’s article, we put together a list of useful apps no photographer should live without. Some of them will help you stay organized and feed your creativity, while others will help you better your craft. But you best believe - all of these will help you work smarter, not harder in 2021.

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Tabs Blocks are beautiful Custom Elements for Squarespace that will help you optimize your site layouts, by presenting complex information in a straightforward and easy to grasp manner. Whether you plan to present different packages, describe your services, or showcase client testimonials - Tabs are an excellent choice. In today’s article, we will show you 5 ways you can use them to structure your content better, add subtle movement to your Squarespace 7.0 or 7.1 site, and make it more engaging for your users.

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If you’re considering to start selling prints, guides, templates, eBooks, courses, presets, gift cards, or other products online - you can do it directly on your Squarespace site. The right Squarespace plan, a few compelling product images, and an engaging description are everything you need. In today’s article, we will show you how to set up your Shop in Squarespace 7.1 in 6 easy steps.

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Typography - it can make or break your visual identity. Great photos need great typography to support visual communication and brand identity. Today on our blog we present 10+ awesome font combinations for Squarespace 7.0 and for Squarespace 7.1, which will definitely elevate your site.

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