Are you planning to launch a new product, run a cool giveaway, or host an exciting event soon? This is an important time for you and for your clients, so don’t let it go unnoticed. If you want to generate more engagement on the launch day, you need to start promoting your upcoming product EARLY and get people excited. In today’s article, we will share 5 ways you can use countdown timers on your Squarespace website to tease your audience and create some hype around your launch.
5 ways to use Countdown Timers in Squarespace to create hype

People are curious by nature and your clients are not an exception. Countdowns are a great marketing tool not only because they create buzz and pique your visitors’ curiosity, but when used in combination with a sign-up/newsletter form - they can help you generate leads and grow your email list. Countdowns offer your visitors an urgency perspective, especially when they define the end of a special deal because the user understands that a purchase or action needs to be made ASAP.
The good news is, now you can easily add a variety of countdown timers to your Squarespace website, both 7.0 and 7.1, and increase your pages’ conversion rates. All you need is one of our Countdown custom elements. Here are 5 ways you can use them and some tips on choosing the right countdown to serve your specific purposes.
1. Announce a product launch
If you plan to offer an Early Bird deal with the launch of your new product or service - use Countdown 02 or Countdown 03 to have people sign up for it. Start promoting the launch early. Make sure to list out the benefits of your upcoming product before you have people sign up, so they feel more motivated to opt in. Add some client testimonials, product teasers and sneak peeks, then top it off with a Countdown banner and a sign-up form. Once the product is launched, the timer could indicate the expiration of the Early Bird discount.
2. Launch an exciting event/workshop/course
If you are organizing an event, be that a workshop, an online conference, or a teaching course - your goal is to have people attend it. Start building hype in the early stages, because people need more time to make a decision, especially if your event requires a large investment. Create a powerful landing page to present your event or course, introduce speakers, exciting topics, and perks that all attendees will get access to, and client reviews. Use Countdown 04 to have people enroll for early access or Countdown 01 to give them a deadline until when they need to book their spot.
3. Run a Giveaway
If you decided to run a giveaway in order to collect some leads, Countdown 03 or Countdown 04 will serve you perfectly. With giveaways it’s all about urgency, so use a headline like “4 days left to enter the giveaway and win this amazing prize. Hurry!”.
4. Announce your new website coming soon
Are you revamping your website? Even if a website launch is more exciting for you than for your clients, you can still make it fun! Don’t use generic “coming soon”, because they push potential customers away. Add Countdown 01 or Countdown 03 to a new index page, use it instead of a cover page, and create some hype around your site launch. Promise your site visitors a cool freebie and offer it as a celebration of your new website. Have people sign up and receive the freebie directly to their inbox when the clock hits 00:00:00. Or you can have them sign up and automatically get added to your new website giveaway. Announce the winner once the site is launched - a great way to stay in touch with all those potential clients.
5. Run an important sale
Do you have a big sale campaign coming soon? It can be your annual Black Friday Sale, a Flash Sale, or a Secret Sale - each campaign deserves some buzz. Add Countdown 03 or Countdown 04 on your homepage with the headline “Sale starts in…” and grant people early access when they sign up. And once the campaign is running, you can switch the messaging to “Sale ends in…”, to create some urgency and have people opt in to receive secret discount codes directly to their inbox.
Countdown timers are a great way to build anticipation, especially in the final days before the big event. To make them more effective, focus on the “why” and the benefits around your upcoming product/event, rather than just presenting what’s happening. Create buzz and spike curiosity, generate urgency to make a decision or purchase, give people solid reasons to sign up, and watch your conversions and results increase in numbers. Good luck!
PS. Planning to purchase one? Get 15% off all Countdown Banners for Squarespace 7.0 or 7.1 with code ELEMENT15.
Creatively yours,
Squaremuse Team
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