Custom Design - Katch Silva Learn

She says she and her partner are 2 weirdos, but we believe they just know how to live life and have fun. Living in a van, splashing water somewhere on the shore or dancing in the rain is no cliché when you think of Katch Silva and Ben Sasso.

Custom Design - Katch Silva Learn

In fact Katch won our hearts not because she and her partner Ben are really adorable together, but because she invests a huge effort in creating and delivering good content. By saying that we don't only mean her amazing photography, but also her added value contributions to the photographers' community, including her presets, photography classes, and cool tips on her blog.

Katch has always enjoyed writing and sharing free educational articles and tips, and she felt like she needed a better way to share it all in one place. That's why she wanted to create a whole new separate platform for her educational content. And because good visual and educational content deserves a matching aesthetic, Katch approached us to design her new educational website on: Katch Silva Learn


The designing process

We have started our work by creating a style that was separate from Katch Silva the Photographer brand, but still maintaining that brand connection with her main business forefront. As such we worked on an aesthetic that is modern and minimalist, while at the same time slightly rough on the edges, injecting some of Katch's playfulness.

Since it is a content driven website, an important part of our creative team's work is presentation. We worked on designing layouts for the site's content, which would showcase it in a simple and easy to understand manner, balancing out the amount of type with Katch's beautiful imagery. Thus making the site extremely informative and educational, while at the same time visually appealing and consistent. 

Overall, working with Katch was a nice way to rediscover her talent and business vision, and we're proud to have her as part of our Squaremuse family!

Read below some thoughts on the designing process Katch shared with us:

Katch, why did you decide to have a separate custom website for your Katch Silva Learn platform?

I felt that the educational content wouldn’t fit as well into my portfolio site, because education and portfolio have two very different audiences. I didn’t want my brides and grooms to have to scroll through educational content menus that are meant for photographers, it would probably get confusing and tedious.

Your Photography website is created on Wordpress. Is there a particular reason why you use Squarespace for your Katch Silva Learn platform?

I wish I had a better answer for this, but I really don’t. I just happened to get started on Squarespace, and I liked the way they handle all commerce for you on the backend, so I just went with it!

After relaunching your new site, what was people's feedback about the update? 

I launched some new classes and free content along with the website launch and I’ve received great feedback about all of it! I’ve really enjoyed working with you guys! I love your design and support, it's always great and helpful!

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Custom Website by Squaremuse

If you are interested to learn how a custom site design can elevate your brand, send the right message to your clientele, attract your perfect customers, and simply represent your brand in a professional way, schedule a free consultation call and we'll tell you more about Custom Design for Your Squarespace site.