Pricing Kits 7.1

1. How to remove the sticky calculator button?

To remove the sticky calculator button you will need to change the “enableTotalButton=true“ with “enableTotalButton=false“ inside the provided JavaScript code.


2. How to remove the packages info at the end of the contact form?

To remove the packages info displayed at the end of the form when users checks options/packages you will need to change the change the: “enableFormPackages=true“ with “enableFormPackages=false“.


3. Things to know about the installer.

In case the setup process gets stuck or if you will need to rerun the installer, you can use “Edit This Cookie” Chrome extension to delete the cookies, as you will not be able to rerun the installer if the cookies of your website are not removed. Rerunning the installer requires the same steps as when the installer was used for the first time to set up the design kit. *Please check “Step 1” video on the documentation page of your design kit.


4. How to change currency in Pricing Kit’s “Total“ button?

The currency will be changed depending on what currency you set for the prices on the “Collections” section.


Squaremuse Team

Premium design solutions for Squarespace websites.