1. How do I know if I’m on Squarespace 7.0 or 7.1?

You can check your website’s version by opening the Help panel from the dashboard and at the bottom of the panel you will see the version of the website and the template that is set live on your website.

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2. What is the difference between Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1?

Squarespace 7.1 is a whole new platform that Squarespace launched in early 2020 which brings a lot of new features and improvements. You can read more about the difference on this link.

3. The password inside the PDF is not working for the videos.

The password for the videos can be found on the first page inside the documentation or on top of the video blocks, which is different from the password you get inside the PDF document to access the documentation page.

4. My current website 7.0 is using the same template, what to do?

In this case, you will need to create a cover page and have your website down during the setup process, as you will not be able to implement the site styles or the CSS code without affecting your live website.

5. How do I switch from Squarespace 7.0 to 7.1?

We recommend you to check this article from Squarespace which will guide you through the process.

6. How to add my own custom font?

There are two options how you can use a custom font inside your Squarespace site:

  • if you have an Adobe Fonts account, then you can connect it to your Squarespace account and use your Adobe fonts. On this link you will find the instructions that will guide you through the process; *Please note that this is available only for 7.0 websites.

  • you can upload and use a custom font through CSS code and we recommend you to check this article that will guide you through the process;

7. How do I switch back to 7.0 if I was automatically on-boarded to 7.1?

If you want to create and use a new 7.0 website but Squarespace automatically on-boarded you on a 7.1 website, then you can cancel the 7.1 website subscription and go to this link to choose a 7.0 template with which you will start fresh with a new 7.0 website.

8. What are URL slugs and section IDs in CSS code (Squarespace 7.0).

In order to achieve certain styling, we use custom code. Custom code styling is used on general styles, as well as in order to apply customizations to specific sections on the site. Inside Squarespace 7.0 each section under Index page has its own slug (screenshot 1), which we are able to use in order to “point” the custom code to where it needs to apply a specific style (screenshot 2).

Section id “client-words” is a root id, and the custom code will be applied to any section within an Index page, that has this root slug “client-words”. This means, that when you duplicate a section, its URL slug will become /client-words-1 (all slugs are unique), but the CSS code will still apply on this section because the root id is the same “client-words”.

Unlike Squarespace 7.1, inside Squarespace 7.0 users are able to assign URL slugs and have control over the section ids (see next question).

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 2


9. What are data section IDs in custom code inside Squarespace 7.1?

While in Squarespace 7.0, users have control over URL slugs, and hence section ids in custom code (see question above), inside Squarespace 7.1 pages are created from sections that get data section IDs assigned automatically by Squarespace HTML code.

You will need to use “Inspect Element“ tool to search for that specific ID (screenshot below), or use the provided Script by Squaremuse to find out a section’s id.

NOTE 09 June 2022: section IDs are only used inside Custom elements for Squarespace 7.1. Sales Pages and Design kits for Squarespace 7.1. use unique html IDS. Refer to your documentation CSS video review for details.

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