1. I’m missing a setting in Site Styles panel, for example I can’t find my Heading 1 setting?
Site Styles show only a limited number of settings for you to adjust. If the element you want to adjust is not showing on the page you are currently previewing, the setting for this element won’t be shown in the Site Styles tab.
To solve this, simply go to the page where your element is located, click on the element that you want to edit, and the required settings will appear in the Site Styles’ left side column of your dashboard. For example, if you want to change the layout for your blog page, you have to open your Blog Page, afterwards go to Site Styles to have these setting options available.
For more details, check this article here.
2. Contact form fields missing.
If some fields from the contact form are blank, then you can add a placeholder by opening the form in edit mode (Step 1), open the field where you want to add the placeholder (Step 2) and add the text that you want to be used as placeholder (Step 3) and save the changes that were made to the contact form:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
3. How to edit the header to make it transparent or the other way around, from transparent to white background?
If the design kit that is set up on your website has the Site Styles set to overlay the header menu on the header image and you would like to have the menu on top of the header image, then you will need to go to Design > Site Styles and change the position of the navigation and branding items to Top Left/Center/Right, depending on which side it was set before the change.
If the header menu is on top of the header image but you would like to have it overlaid on it, then you will need to do the opposite and set the navigation and branding items to Bottom Left/Center/Right.
4. After I added the CSS code on my website logo’s color is inverted. How do I fix this?
Some of our design kits are designed to invert logo’s color on banner images when the navigation menu is overlaying an image. If you would like to disable logo’s color inversion, you will need to find the following snippet of code and disable it by adding the underlined characters.
In case your design kit does not have the code for the logo color inversion but you would like it to be inverted, you will need to add the following snippet of code without the underlined characters in the “Custom CSS” panel.
5. I deleted a section how do I rebuild it?
In this case, if you did not remove the section entirely from your website, you can restore it from the “Deleted Pages” panel which you can find it at the bottom of the Pages panel. *See the image below.
However, if you removed the section from the “Deleted Pages“ panel as well, you will need to rerun the installer following the same instructions from the documentation when you did run the installer for the first time. Also, keep in mind that you will need to clear your browser’s cookies and cache in order to be able to rerun the installer. *Please check “Step 1” video on the documentation page of your design kit.
6. Installer related questions
In case the setup process gets stuck or if you will need to rerun the installer, you can use “Edit This Cookie” Chrome extension to delete the cookies, as you will not be able to rerun the installer if the cookies of your website are not removed. Rerunning the installer requires the same steps as when the installer was used for the first time to set up the design kit. *Please check “Step 1” video on the documentation page of your design kit.
7. How to add a banner image?
The first thing you have to do is to add an index page, then add a new blank page/section underneath and add the image from the banner section:
8. Osaka specific: In the homepage gallery there is a white area which contains the subtitle & title of the images. How can I make the background from white to transparent?
If you will want to remove the white background behind the title & subtitle, you can add the following code snippet in the Custom CSS area:
.Index-gallery-item-content.Index-gallery-item-content--has-title-and-body{ background:transparent !important; }
9. Osaka specific: How can I get the horizontal lines in the header to be white instead of black?
In order to change the color of the lines, you have to add the following code snippet in the Custom CSS area:
.ancillary-header-branding-position-bottom-center.homepage [data-nc-base="header"] [data-nc-group="bottom"] [data-nc-container]:first-child, .ancillary-header-branding-position-bottom-center.homepage [data-nc-base="header"] [data-nc-group="bottom"] [data-nc-container]:last-child{ border-color:black !important; }
10. How can I invert the color of the arrows from the homepage slider?
Please insert the following code snippet:
.tweak-index-gallery-layout-slideshow:not(.tweak-index-gallery-controls-none) .Index-gallery-control { filter: invert(100%); }
11. D’Avella specific: How do I change the width of my post’s content?
If you want to change the width of the content from your blog post, you have several options:
If you want to change the width of the text only, add the CSS code below in your CSS tab (Design -> Custom CSS) and change the percentage value accordingly.
.BlogItem .html-block .sqs-block-content{ max-width:80% !important; }
12. D’Avella Specific: If you want to have both the images and text the same width, you’ll have to add this code:
.BlogItem { width:80%; margin:0 auto; } .BlogItem .html-block .sqs-block-content{ max-width:100% !important; }