11 Tips to Make Your Squarespace Site More Attractive (Free Checklist)

As 2020 has quickly taken over, it’s time to work on your online presence (aka your website) if you want to get those bookings rolling this year. With Valentine’s Day in the air, did you ask yourself if your Squarespace site is actually attractive and engaging for your potential clients? We prepared a Free Checklist that will help you find out how “hot” your website is + 11 tips on how to improve it. Keep reading!

11 Tips to Make Your Squarespace Site More Attractive (Free Checklist)

*Free Checklist at the end of this post

Imagine going on a blind date with a “great guy/gal” (according to your friend who’s set you up with them). He or she may be indeed a really great person, but if you don’t CLICK on the first date, what are the chances that you will text them back? No matter how cheesy that may sound, it’s very true: First impressions only get ONE CHANCE.

Now, what does that have to do with your website? Think about it - when potential clients first land on your website, it’s almost like a first date. In order for you guys to “click”, your visitors need to know that you have something that they want/are looking for. They may have heard of you from a friend or may have typed a search term in Google and your site showed up in the results. They “put their faith in you” and click on your site, but when they get there - THEIR HOPES HAVE TO BE CONFIRMED. And while you don’t have control on whether they like you or not, it’s completely up to you on how you present yourself. 

Start with a “diagnose” of your Squarespace site

In the creative industry, ESPECIALLY in the creative industry, your clients will not know how talented and great you are at what you do unless you show them. They won’t know about all your happy clients, your successful projects and your charming wit - unless you show them. Your website can be a very powerful card up your sleeve, or it can stand in the way of your potential clients getting to know you better. 

If you opened this article, it means that you are ready to improve your online presence and offer a better user experience(and that’s great!). Start by asking yourself the right questions: 

  • Does my website truly reflect my (brand) personality?

  • Is it appealing enough to keep my visitors engaged for at least 60 seconds?

  • Do I think my website is “pretty amazing” or “kind of meh”?

  • Does my site attract the clientele that I actually want to work with?

  • And am I doing everything I can to bring potential clients to my site in the first place?

“Hot or Not” Website Checklist

If you answered “No”, “Not sure”, “Meh” or anything in between to the above questions, congrats! You’re in the right place. This checklist will not only help you diagnose your current website (that means finding “where it hurts most and needs to be fixed”), it will also help you turn it around, make a great first impression and get noticed online. With a site like that - oh, you’ll definitely get a text back wink

Claim your “Hot or Not” Website Checklist Freebie HERE and turn your Squarespace site into an absolute Client Magnet.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Squaremuse Team