Marissa Nicole: Quarantine from the perspective of a 2020 bride

We are continuing our “Squaremuse Creatives share how they cope with the global pandemic” interview series. Last week you got the chance to read Josh Olson’s story on How to avoid overworking during the quarantine. Today, we’re excited to share some tips and insights from another talented and amazing photographer – Marissa Nicole.

Marissa Nicole: Quarantine from the perspective of a 2020 bride

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Marissa’s outlook on the lockdown situation is rather balanced, grounded and honestly, we found it quite enlightening. While it is obviously stressful for her - not only as a photographer who’s out of a job but also as a bride who was supposed to have her wedding in May 2020 - she learned how to work with challenges and turn them into opportunities. In today’s article, Marissa shares some tips on how to stay positive during the quarantine and talks about the importance of having an “adapt and stay flexible” mindset. Just what many of us need right now!


Interview #2: Marissa Nicole | Travel Wedding and Lifestyle Photographer based in Orlando, FL - website built with Osaka Design Kit


How have you been feeling in the past few weeks? Did the lockdown affect you?

I'd like to say that it's been a smooth transition and everything is peachy but that wouldn't be the truth! Not only am I a photographer that had to learn how to overcome the challenges of cancelations, I'm also a bride with a wedding in May. It has been stressful to say the least. Nonetheless, it's helped me relate to other brides in the same situation and also helped us remember what is most important - each other.

The lockdown affected my business since I no longer had money coming in since all of the shoots and weddings were either canceled or postponed. & It affected our wedding. We opted to elope and have a reception later in the year. It was also difficult to continue planning a wedding since I had to do everything virtually. There were so many big and small challenges to overcome. (You wouldn't think finding your wedding shoes would be a problem until you can't try them on in person!) With all that being said, it's nothing we couldn't overcome!! It's just a new way of doing things. 

What helps you stay sane and grounded during the worldwide crisis?

Although it wasn't easy, (which is okay! We don't need to have it all figured out) I've been able to stay sane several ways. First of all, I had my wonderful fiancé to keep me company and make quarantine fun! He's an introvert while I'm an extrovert so he had to teach me his ways haha. Besides that, zoom calls with friends, exercise/walking, journaling, and finding new ways to create have helped keep me sane. I'm also using a routine to keep some normality in my life!


How do you usually start your day/what daily habits do you practice that help you have a better day and feel good about yourself?

Ah! Great question. Well to set up my day well actually begins the night before. That's when I write down a list of 5 things I want to get done the next day to stay productive. Whether that's editing a wedding or exercising, it's a great feeling to make a goal and cross it off my list. With that being said, my day always starts out with a cup of coffee and journaling. Then, I start crossing off my to-do list! One thing I'd say I do daily is go for a walk and try and hit a certain number of steps. No matter what, I make sure to give myself grace, even when I don't hit my goals. 

In your opinion, what are 3 things that photographers and other creatives can focus on, right now, to help their business survive and make it stronger for the time when things go back to normal?

1. Rebranding 2. Marketing 3. Creativity! If you're like me, you only have so many more weddings or sessions to finish editing and will have more downtime. I'd say, now is the time to either rebrand or refine/grow your brand so that it reflects more of what you'd like it to be! Invest more in your brand! There's always room to learn and grow. Marketing is something I definitely can do more of. Take this time to market on more platforms or be more consistent. Lastly, don't neglect your creativity. Maybe take this time to take a step back and focus on why you became a photographer or creative in the first place. Express yourself or do something you've never done before. 


Who inspires you during this time and why? Are there any particular resources that you’ve been enjoying and would recommend to others(books, podcasts, articles, etc)?

Through this time, I'm honestly most inspired by my family and friends who've encouraged and challenged me. Whenever I've been discouraged, they affirm me that it's okay to feel unmotivated but to not stay that way. As far as resources, I've looked to other photographers that offer free resources! For example, Dawn Charles is offering education on ways to add value to your business through this time. India Earl is also providing photo challenges while you're social distancing to encourage your creativity. 

What would you say to someone who is having a hard time these days (which is probably most of us, to be honest)?

I'd say that it's okay to have a hard time, feel unproductive, unmotivated and discouraged. You're not alone. However, it's challenges that give us an opportunity to grow. Be patient with yourself and do your best! Know that this will come to pass but don't miss the opportunity to work on yourself, your brand, & your relationships. Use this time to reflect and give thanks for what you have. These are things I have to remind myself daily. Don't give up or lose hope! You got this :)


Let’s agree, if this isn’t a great time to give yourself a pat on the back, adapt, and learn how to make things work for you - then we don’t know when is. So try to be kind to yourself - that means learning a new way of doing things (your way), taking it slow and asking for help from friends, family and the community.

Stay tuned, as we’re continuing the series with Liron who will be sharing how he deals with the challenges of Covid-19, how he is combining parenthood with a photography business, and will also give some tips on to prepare your creative business for the post-lockdown season.

Creatively yours,

Squaremuse Team