About Motherhood from our Beloved Clients

We admire each Squaremuse client, because we know how much energy and soul they invest in their work and growth. Today we want to highlight our clients, who besides photography do another job which requires dedication 24/7 - that of a mom. Since today is Mother’s Day, we believe the best way to honor moms around the world is to show our appreciation to their energy and dedication to foster our future generations regardless of difficulties and challenges that come with motherhood. Today we are sharing some honest and powerful thoughts from mothers in the creative industry. Happy Mother’s Day!

About Motherhood from our Beloved Clients

photo credit: Twyla Jones

"...Since I became a mother I find creativity in... shooting with my dad's old film camera. With time being so precious, I love how it's teaching me to be more mindful about what moments I decide to capture and document Theo' s first year of life without losing time scrolling through hundreds of files. I also hope that one day he will find joy in browsing through all the film from our adventures on a tropical island." - Gabriella Katalin

"...As I was writing this, Shepherd spit up all over me and I’m to lazy to go change... So if that doesn’t scream #MomLife I don’t know what does. I still can’t believe that I am a mom. There are moments when it feels super real, like when we are at his doctor’s office and the nurses call me “Mom” and I look around and realize they’re talking to me! Or, when my friends remind me how crazy it is that I have a baby. Other than that, most times it just seems so normal and natural that I don’t even realize I’ve entered into that next realm of life. Which leads me to the first thing I want to talk about." - Hannah Ruth Distasio


"The combination of being a mother and a photographer is a heightened awareness of all the amazing, subtle ways I connect with my children and the incredible opportunity to recreate that for my clients....

...Capturing childhood is... certainly one of my greatest pleasures in life and the one thing that really drew me into learning the craft of photography to begin with. After I had my second child, I was yearning to create photographs that looked a lot more like they felt to me in that moment and my iPhone certainly wasn’t delivering. Once I understood the technical aspects of my camera I just began to let the light and my children guide me. Their natural curiosity and unquenchable thirst for adventure ensured that no two photographs would ever be the same. As I have gained more experience working with every age range, I always find myself refreshed and inspired when photographing children. I often find that adults are so much more reserved and look to me to tell them what to do, to tell them how to enjoy the moment, to give them permission to let themselves shine so that I can take a photograph that’s truly representative of who they are. Children are different. As long as I can keep up, get high, get low and go sideways and am always generously rewarded with authentic imagery." - Twyla Jones

“...Being a mother gives me the power to....get back up every time I fall. I think this goes for anything you find fall in love with whether it’s a person or a passion. Mine just happens to be my babies who I couldn’t be more in love with. They inspire me beyond words.” - Nicki Rohloff


We are humbled to have these amazing women as our clients and we are honored to provide them with best solutions for their creative business online. Check our shop for more beautiful designs.